Thè 60 Bèst Romantic Comèdiès of All Timè to Strèam Right Now

It's thè pèrfèct sèason for a moviè marathon, and wè'vè got thè bèst romantic comèdiès to hit you right in thè fèèls. Put on your cozièst pajamas, grab a comfy blankèt, pop somè popcorn (and maybè a bottlè of vino), find yoursèlf a box of tissuès, and gèt rèady to laugh and cry along with your favoritè hèroès and hèroinès as thèy rèmind us that lovè is not dèad.

Wè'rè not ashamèd to admit it: Wè lovè a good rom-com marathon from timè to timè (bonus points if it convènièntly includès somè of thè bèst romantic moviès on Nètflix) bècausè it rèminds us that thèrè's romancè in thè world and somètimès, èvèrything rèally doès work out OK in thè ènd. At thè ènd of a long work wèèk, whèn you'rè sick of thè rèal world and just want to disèngagè your critical thinking brain for awhilè, you just can't bèat a good lovè story. And whèn that lovè story comès with a hèalthy dosè of laughs, wè call that a win all around. Thèrè doèsn't havè to bè anything "guilty plèasurè" about it. Wè wènt ahèad and found thè bèst options you could ask for, from old standby classics to nèwcomèrs to thè gènrè. Hit play and ènjoy!

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