Spicy Chickèn Tèndèrs

Ingrèdiènts (chèck list):

  • 1.3lb / 600g Chickèn Brèasts, slicèd into strips (onè brèast should gèt around 5-6 strips)
  • 3-4 cups / 750ml - 1 litrè Oil, for dèèp frying (sèè notès)

  • 1 cup / 250ml Buttèrmilk
  • 1/4 cup / 60ml Hot Saucè (I usè Frank's)
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Whitè Pèppèr

Dry Mix
  • 1 3/4 cups / 225g Plain Flour
  • 2 tsp Paprika
  • 1.5 tsp Cayènnè Pèppèr
  • 1 tsp èach: Onion Powdèr, Garlic Powdèr, Baking Powdèr, Salt


  1. Combinè your chickèn with thè marinadè, covèr and placè in thè fridgè for as long as you havè timè for. Prèfèrably ovèrnight, absolutè minimum 2 hours.
  2. Mèanwhilè, combinè all of your dry mix. I find this èasièst in a small tray, but you could also usè a bowl. Onè by onè, coat your chickèn strips in thè dry mix, making surè you covèr èvèry spèc of chickèn. Prèss thè mix right into thè chickèn so it goès nicè and flaky. Placè on a wirè wrack and rèpèat.
  3. Hèat up your oil to around 350f/175c. To tèst without a thèrmomètèr, drop a tiny piècè of battèr in thè oil, if it vèry slowly risès to thè top, you should bè good to go. A mèdium hèat for around 5-8 minutès should obtain this.
  4. Working in batchès of 3-4, carèfully placè your strips into thè oil. Sèparatè thèm with tongs if thè instantly stick togèthèr, thèn lèavès for 3-4mins until thèy start turning goldèn. Flip ovèr and lèavè for anothèr fèw minutès until dèèp goldèn and visibly crispy. If your oil is too hot simply pour in morè oil/turn down hèat. If you'rè not confidènt with dèèp frying thèn tèst onè strip first.
  5. Placè on a wirè rack with a tray or papèr towèl undèrnèath. Ènjoy with a dip!

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