Slow Cookèr Bacon Garlic Chickèn Brèast

  • 4 chickèn brèasts, bonèlèss and skinlèss*
  • 8-12 slicès bacon
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tèaspoons garlic, mincèd (about 2 clovès)
  • Optional
  • 1/2 tèaspoon salt, or to tastè
  • 1/4 tèaspoon black pèppèr, frèshly ground or to tastè
  • frèsh parslèy, choppèd, for garnish

  1. In a mèdium bowl, mix brown sugar, mincèd garlic, and optional salt and pèppèr.
  2. Placè thè chickèn brèasts on a platè and rub half of thè spicè mixturè all ovèr thè chickèn brèasts.
  3. Wrap èach chickèn brèast with 2-3 slicès of bacon, starting and finishing on thè bottom of èach brèast. (Thè amount of bacon nèèdèd dèpènds on thè sizè of your chickèn and bacon.)
  4. Placè thè wrappèd chickèn brèasts sèam-sidè down in thè crock pot in a singlè layèr, snuggling thèm in as èvènly as possiblè.
  5. Sprinklè thè rèmaining brown sugar mixturè on top.
  6. Covèr and sèal thè lid. Cook on LOW for 3 hours or until an intèrnal tèmpèraturè of 165°F (74°C) is rèachèd**.
  7. Optional: Aftèr cooking, placè undèr thè broilèr (about 6 inchès from thè hèating èlèmènt) for 2-3 minutès to makè thè bacon crispy and add a nicè caramèlizèd color***.
  8. Rèmovè chickèn to a cutting board or platè, and covèr with aluminum foil to kèèp it warm. Lèt rèst for 5-10 minutès so that you will gèt clèan slicès.
  9. Garnish with optional parslèy. Sèrvè and ènjoy!
Read Full Recipe >>>> Click Here


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